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4 Tips for Creating Thumb-Stopping Social Media Content

Marketing 07.23.18Reading Time 2 minutes

Between social media platforms, emails, news, and text messages, an average person scrolls through about 300 feet of content in a single day–that’s as tall as the Statue of Liberty! With this kind of competition, it feels almost impossible to stand out…but it isn’t! Here’s what you can do differentiate yourself and your business, and create thumb-stopping social content.

Learn What Thumb-Stopping Content Is

This term, now so popular in our social media marketing vocabulary, and in every single conference including Social Media Week LA (in which the Gigasavvy team participated), embodies the primary objective to any campaign on Instagram or Facebook: to be noticed. It’s content that makes you or anyone in your audience stop scrolling and look. Thumb-stopping content cuts through the noise of everyone else to capture the attention of consumers. It is high quality, beautiful, timely, and most importantly, relevant.

Target Your Audience

Make sure your content creation is aligned with your brand’s target audience and your values. A company’s message influences what people think about a brand, so making sure you use the right message to target the right demographic is very important. Also, make sure your team of social media experts is using the right geotargeting and demographics when creating ads on social. These targeting efforts help customize your campaigns to obtain the best possible results, helping your brand stay relevant.

Invest in Your Creative Process

Thumb-stopping social media content is made of beautiful creative and great copy. Good images or videos are key elements to outstanding content, and they help increase your engagement. They can also keep your audience from quickly scrolling past your post and missing the message you are trying to share, so invest in your creative process.

Even the most ordinary products can have mesmerizing content, and by having it, you will be able to grow your social media numbers strategically by filling them with people who are actually interested in what you have to share.

Remember, getting your audience to watch the first couple of seconds of your video is great, but holding their attention is the big win.

Be a Storyteller

The power of telling your audience a story is going to be your most valuable asset because when done correctly with strategic planning, it will result in more engagement with your content.

Take the time to brainstorm with your team and make sure you include both creative and analytical people in the conversation. You have to find ways to develop strategies that connect in deeply meaningful ways with your target demographic, but also deliver the results your company expects.

Remember, you have a fraction of a second to capture your audience’s attention, so the pressure for creating thumb-stopping content is on!


Melissa Zarb

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